SESSION 1. Opening of the Conference
PLACE: Gallery Laboratorium-Venezia
CHAIR: Kalathaki Maria & Gabriele Davide
17.00 Chatziandreou Dimitra & Kasimati Aikaterini. Welcoming and introducing the participants. Analysis of the Conference’s content, aims, timetable, means and expected results. Explanations about the schedule and facilities for participants, practical and interesting information.
17.30 Pascarelli Sandro “Associazione Italiana Servizi e Tempo Libero (AISTEL), a structured path of development and improvement of quality in living conditions and lifestyle in each territory social context”
18.00 Meogrossi Piero “Heritage for the Mediterranean Environment. Labyrinths of Crete towards Rome”
18.30 Zancanella Marino “La mia Casa-Da un’ Idea di Projetto dell’ Architetto Aldo Rossi”
19.00 Ferranti Cinzia, “Hybrid learning environments: children and adults in technologically enriched spaces”
19.15 D’ Angelo Diana, Forti Claudio, Mauro Antonio, Panicola Gianna, Rallo Marco “Poetry Mapping: Virtual Space Meets Real Space and performance “Mary Frankenstein. Tutti i mostri di Mary” with Diana D’Angelo. Text by Claudio Forti.”
20.15 Petrakis Thomas “Ittar Art & Culture Center (ACC)”
20.30 Cabriele Davide & Chatziandreou Dimitra “Architecture beyond the studio”-Round table
21.00 Welcoming Reception with Cretan treats, offered by the Organizer DC Architecture Lab
SESSION 2. Interdisciplinary Approaches
PLACE: Pavilions in Biennale Architettura Giardino
CHAIR: Papastefanaki Anna
11.00 Visit of Biennale Architettura Giardino. Navigating the ‘Free Space’ in the exhibitions of National Pavilions from the point of view of Architects, Professors and Students
SESSION 3. Creativity & Innovation in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths)
PLACE: Greek Pavilion in Biennale Architettura Giardino
CHAIR: Kasimati Aikaterini & Papageorgiou Theodora
13.00 Visit of the Greek Pavilion in Biennale Architettura Expo in Giardini. Exhibition «Η Σχολή των ΑθηνÏŽν»-Discussion on how does the Plato Academy connect with the modern architecture of today’s Universities” based on the students’ posters of ASPAITE on Futurism in Architecture, Utopic Road Networks, Energy Upgrade of ASPAITE, Autonomous Museum, and the Project as a technique of Modern Learning Environments.
Drakaki Maria “Geometric shapes, symbolism of the Athens School and ‘my free space’”
SESSION 4. Utopia & Reality in Educational Projects
PLACE: Palazzo Bembo- European Cultural Center
CHAIR: Meogrossi Piero
16.00 Guided Tour in the Exhibition “Time, Space, Existence”
16.30 Kontogianni Xanthippi “The potentials of storytelling in designing and constructing environments”
16.45 Kasimati Aikaterini “Teaching practice sessions (TPS) at the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPAITE), Greece”
17.00 Papageorgiou Theodora “Presentation of the Students’ works from three Departments of ASPAITE present their Research Projects in Posters:-Civil Engineering Educators, -Mechanical Engineering Educators, -Electrical and Electronic Engineering Educators. Reflections and Discussion
17.30 Discussion
18.00 Tour with Gondolas at the sunset
SESSION 5. Art & Design with Glass
PLACE: Berengo Studio (Murano Island)
CHAIR: Berengo Andriano
12.00 Larghi Simona & Berengo Andriano “Berengo Studio 1989: the mission and vision, the collection, the spaces and the furnace at work”.
12.30 The Furnace at work. Glass manufacturing-traditional and contemporary knowhow-The contribution of Art Design.
13.00 Tour to the Fondazione Berengo Exhibition Center on Murano Island.
13.30 Larghi Simona ‘Lux-Lumen’ show at Fondazione Berengo, contemporary interpretations of the classic Murano glass chandelier
14.00 Ieronymaki Aretousa “Voices from the wild flowers”
14.15 Zaneka Stergiani ‘The Dissemination of the Renaissance’s Architecture during the Venetian Domination in Crete’
14.30 Schoinoplokaki Evangelia “Venetian Villas of Kissamos, Chania, Crete, Greece”
SESSION 6. Creativity and Experimentations with Glass
PLACE: Palazzo Franchetti, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
CHAIR: Faka Sofia
16.30 Kalathaki Maria “Palazzo Franchetti-good practices for inspiration and imagination in learning and teaching”
16.45 Kasimati Aikaterini “The tool of Project in structuring interdisciplinary teachings”- “Projects as technique in the modern learning environments”
17.00 Scalice Albano “Alchemy: a long journey – between utopia and reality – to reach the ‘absolute’ knowledge of the Cosmos and approach the creator thought of God”
17.15 Kokkinis Costantinos, Syggenidis Christos and Fountoulakis Antonios “Remote school environment control, a creative student project in the Technological & Educational Institute of Crete”
17.30 Visit of ‘Memphis-Plastic Field’ Exhibition
SESSION 7. Creative exploitation of Biennale experience
PLACE: Residenza privata a Santa Maria di Sala
CHAIR: Panicola Gianna
20.00 Visit of Mercati di Rialto, Dinner
SESSION 8. Applied Interdisciplinary Works-Expo
PLACE: Biennale Architettura Arsenale
CHAIR: Chatziandreou Dimitra
11.30 Visit of Biennale Architettura Expo in Arsenale. “Navigating the ‘Free Space’ in the exhibitions”
SESSION 9. Lifelong Learning Pathway in Venice of the Past and Present
PLACE: Piazza San Marco & Surroundings
CHAIR: Schoinoplokaki Evangelia
16.00 Papastefanaki Anna “Buildings tell the story of the place-travel in the history by walking in the neighborhood of Piazza San Marco, Venice (eg. Doge’s Palace, Clock Tower, Old Prisons, Bridge of Sighs, etc)”
SESSION 10. Utopia & Reality-thoughts & reflections
PLACE: Café-Restaurant in Piazza San Marco and Surroundings
CHAIR: Zaneka Stergiani
18.00 Faka Sofia “Arkadia-Utopia?…”
18.15 Tziotis Stavros “The Labyrinth of Daedalus in Knosos-Mythology”
18.30 Kalathaki Maria “Architecture promotes the steam (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) Education”
18.45 Barris Kyriakos, “Dynamic and prospects for private education in Mediterranean islands”
19.00 Mastodonti Rosella “Philosophic approach of the notions Utopia & Reality”- Open Discussion
SESSION 11. Applied Interdisciplinary Works-Expo
PLACE: Residenza privata a Santa Maria di Sala
CHAIR: Kasimati Aikaterini
10.00 Argyropoulou Eleftheria “Combining Space, Culture and Organizational Effectiveness: the role of Leadership”
10.30 Kasimati Aikaterini “Reflections on the visit of Biennale Architettura Expo-Analysis from the point of view of the thematic areas of the Conference”-Round Table.
11.30 Chatziandreou Dimitra “Summarizing the experiential lifelong learning in Venice and Biennale“, Suggestions for the next Conference. Closing of the Conference